Stress-free Sailing: Single and Short-handed Techniques Free Download

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Download Stress-free Sailing: Single and Short-handed Techniques

Read Stress-free Sailing: Single and Short-handed Techniques book online now. You also can download other books, magazine and also comics. Get online Stress-free Sailing: Single and Short-handed Techniques today. Are you Looking Download or read Stress-free Sailing: Single and Short-handed Techniques for free..? enjoy it.

The vast majority of sailing yacht scenarios comprise a couple sailing the boat together, and needing to carry out all manoeuvres and activities themselves with no help from a back-up crew. Their boat handling, navigation, sail handling, anchoring and mooring skills all have to be carried out both efficiently and effectively, preferably with the minimum of physical effort (to conserve energy).

But most sailing technique books assume a crew of 3 or 4, all willing to lend a hand. This book is therefore a first, addressing the most common sailing scenarios that anyone cruising will have to deal with, and providing clever, original, highly effective (and most importantly successfully tried and tested by the author) techniques and solutions for dealing with the huge variety of essential operations on a boat – from sail setting and reefing, to picking up mooring buoys in a variety of wind and tide situations, anchoring, berthing and leaving a pontoon shorthanded, picking up a ma

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