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How to Score Many Goals Even if You are a Rookie? Many soccer players new to soccer believe that you have to pose exceptional skills in order to score many goals. This is far from the truth, because even a player with very basic skills can score a lot of goals if he knows how. I will reveal how you can do this as well, even if you have only played soccer a few months. How to Avoid the Biggest Goal Scoring Pitfall? There is one pitfall – yes, just one! -- that separates the pure goal scoring machines apart from the average ones who barely score goals. Which one would you rather be? This pitfall is something you must avoid if you want to score goals game after game and separate yourself from the average soccer player. While this pitfall can seem obvious most players get trapped in it, which is why they rarely score any goals during their soccer career. The Missing Link: Having a "Nose" For the Goal! I'm sure you have faced players that seem to have an incredibly ability